November trip to Morongo Valley, CA
Dylan and Maggie headed back out to the Neotoma lepida/ Neotoma bryanti hybrid zone in Morongo Valley, CA to continue a mark-recapture study for Dylan’s work. They also made a quick stop in Pioneertown, CA to check in on the Neotoma lepida population there. Animals seem to be doing well at both sites, and the two had great trapping success! Some nice views at Pioneertown, where woodrats use both rocks and vegetation to build long-lasting middens.
Dylan in front of one of the 80 middens we routinely trap at Morongo Valley, CA. Most, like this one, are built into creosote bushes as support structures and an easy food source.
Woodrat at Morongo Valley, CA hybrid site
View of Pioneertown trap site
View of Pioneertown trap site with juniper tree
Woodrat (Neotoma lepida) returning to its rocky midden.