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The Lab
April 2020 – Requisite Zoom screenshot of a quarantine lab meeting, including lab alumnus Dr. Rodolfo Martinez-Mota.
July 2020 – Lab hike to Cecret Lake and Albion Basin (socially distanced except those who are roommates).
July 2020 – There was a moose on our hike by Cecret Lake!
July 2020 – Social distancing at Cecret Lake
July 2020 – Beautiful wildflowers on the descent.
March 2021 – Meeting up in-person after a long quarantine, thanks to vaccinations!
Castle Valley, UT
Castleton tower – the namesake for Castle Valley, UT
Neotoma albigula in front of Opuntia cactus
Woodrats build middens just about anywhere there is a structure...
Sara ready to set out on a trapping day.
Cactus pad showing nibbling from a woodrat
Nice example of the midden of a cactus-feeding woodrat. These animals drag their food to their middens.
Truck during a field trip. A little messy!
Whitewater, CA
Dylan laying a trap at a creosote bush
The train is always close
Woodrat on a piece of local decor at the site!
Trapgear chic
Disturbed habitat at Whitewater.
Shielding ourselves from the wind and sun during a 100ºF day.
The sunset view from Mojave Preserve, where we are lucky enough to camp during our trips to Whitewater.
Rio Mesa Field Station, University of Utah
March 2019 – Sara hanging up some washed bags and letting traps dry for the next night's trapping.
October 2019 – The Gazebo House at one end of Rio Mesa's property
October 2019– Maggie with a cactus pad, de-spining the day away.
October 2019 – Wet lab at the Gazebo House
October 2019 – Zahra making a wall of clean traps
Neotoma lepida/bryanti at Morongo Valley, CA
Neotoma albigula
Two young Neotoma albigula
Neotoma albigula
Neotoma lepida/bryanti at Morongo Valley, CA
Juvenile Neotoma albigula at Castle Valley, UT
Young Neotoma lepida at Morongo Valley, CA.