Publications are listed in the order in which they were published, with most recent first. If you would like a PDF of an article that is linked behind a paywall, please email the corresponding author on that publication.
Armstrong N, Klure DM, Greenhalgh R, Stapleton TE, and Dearing MD. (2024). The Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) exhibits minimal patterns of phylogeography across native and introduced sites, Journal of Mammalogy. XX (1-11). DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyae133. PDF
Stapleton TE, Lindsey LM, Sundar H, and Dearing MD. (2024) Rodents consuming the same toxic diet harbor a unique functional core microbiome. Animal Microbiome 43 (6). DOI: 10.1186/s42523-024-00330-7. Link
Greenhalgh R, Klure DM, Orr TJ, Armstrong NM, Shapiro MD, and Dearing MD. (2024) The desert woodrat (Neotoma lepida) induces a diversity of biotransformation genes in response to creosote bush resin. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology. 280. 109870. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2024.109870. Link
Doolin MD, Dearing MD. (2024) Differential effects of two common antiparasitics on microbiota resilience. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 229(3): 908–917. DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiad547. Link
Klure DM, Dearing MD. (2023) Seasonal restructuring facilitates compositional convergence of gut microbiota in free-ranging rodents. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 99(11). DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiad127. Link
Klure DM, Cragun BJ, and Dearing MD. (2023) Sympatric rodents in a desert shrubland differ in arthropod consumption. Journal of Arid Environments. 214. 104999. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2023.104999. Link.
Klure DM, Greenhalgh R, Parchman TL, Matocq MD, Galland LM, Shapiro MD, and Dearing MD. (2023) Hybridization in the absence of an ecotone favors hybrid success in woodrats (Neotoma spp.). Evolution. 77(4). 959-970.. DOI: 10.1093/evolut/qpad012. Link.
Varner J, Carnes-Douglas ZJ, Monk E, Benedict LM, Whipple A, Dearing MD, Bhattacharyya S, Griswold L, and Ray C. (2023) Sampling a pika’s pantry: Temporal shifts in nutritional quality and winter preservation of American pika food caches. Ecosphere. 14 (5). DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4494. Link
Schramm K, Skopec M, Dearing MD. (2023) Metabolomic evidence of independent biotransformation pathways for terpenes in two specialist mammalian herbivores (genus Neotoma). Integrative Zoology 00, 1–13. DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12734. Link
Dearing MD, Kaltenpoth M, and Gershenzon J. (2022) Demonstrating the role of symbionts in mediating detoxification in herbivores. Symbiosis 87: 59–66. doi: 10.1007/s13199-022-00863-y. PDF
Doolin ML, Weinstein SB, and Dearing MD. (2022) Pinworms are associated with taxonomic but not functional differences in the gut microbiome of white-throated woodrats (Neotoma albigula). Journal of Parasitology 108 (5): 407–418. doi: 10.1645/22-11. PDF
Weinstein SB, Stephens WZ, Greenhalgh R, Round JL, and Dearing MD. (2022) Wild herbivorous mammals (genus Neotoma) host a diverse but transient assemblage of fungi. Symbiosis 87: 45-58. doi: 10.1007/s13199-022-00853-0. Link
Klure DM, Greenhalgh R, and Dearing MD. (2022) Addressing nontarget amplification in DNA metabarcoding studies of arthropod-feeding rodents. Mammal Research 67 (4): 499–509. doi: 10.1007/s13364-022-00646-2. PDF
Skopec MM, Halpert JR, and Dearing MD. (2022) Mammalian cytochrome P450 biodiversity: Physiological importance, function, and protein and genomic structures of cytochromes P450B in multiple species of woodrats with different dietary preferences. Advances in Pharmacology. doi: 10.1016/bs.apha.2022.05.002. Link
Dearing MD and Weinstein SB. (2022) Metabolic Enabling and Detoxification by Mammalian Gut Microbes. Annual Review of Microbiology 76: 579–596. doi: 10.1146/annurev-micro-111121-085333 Link
Greenhalgh R, Holding ML, Orr TJ, Henderson JB, Parchman TL, Matocq MD, Shapiro, MD, and Dearing, MD. (2022) Trio-binned genomes of the woodrats Neotoma bryanti and Neotoma lepida reveal novel gene islands and rapid copy number evolution of xenobiotic metabolizing genes. Molecular Ecology Resources 22 (7): 2713–2731. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.13650 Link
Dearing MD, Orr TJ, Klure DM, Greenhalgh R, Weinstein SB, Stapleton TE, Yamada KYH, Nelson MD, Doolin ML, Nielsen DP, Matocq MD and Shapiro MD. (2022) Toxin tolerance across landscapes: Ecological exposure not a prerequisite. Functional Ecology 36: 2119–2131. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.14093 Link
Stapleton TE, Weinstein SB, Greenhalgh R, and Dearing MD. (2022) Successes and limitations of quantitative diet metabarcoding in a small, herbivorous mammal. Molecular Ecology Resources 22 (7): 2573–2586. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.13643. Link
Stapleton TE, Kohl KD, and Dearing MD. (2022) Plant secondary compound- and antibiotic-induced community disturbances improve the establishment of foreign gut microbiota. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98: fiac005. doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiac005 Link
Beale PK, Connors PK, Dearing MD, Moore BD, Krockenberger AK, Foley WJ, and Marsh KJ. (2022) Warmer Ambient Temperatures Depress Detoxification and Food Intake by Marsupial Folivores. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.888550 Link
Maurer M, Martínez KP, Trevelline BK, Tripoli D, Dearing MD, Derting T, Martinez Mota R, Pasch B, and Kohl KD. (2021) Diet alters rodent fecal pellet size: implications for paleoecological and demographic studies using fecal dimensions. Journal of Mammalogy, 102:1619-1626. Link
Weinstein SB and Dearing MD. (2021) Harvest mice (Reithrodontomys megalotis) consume monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) Ecology 12:e3607. Link
>>University press release here
Weinstein SB, Martínez-Mota R, Stapleton TE, Klure DM, Greenhalgh R, Orr TJ, Dale C, Kohl KD and Dearing MD. (2021) Microbiome stability and structure is governed by host phylogeny over diet and geography in woodrats (Neotoma spp.). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(47). doi: 10.1073/pnas.2108787118. Link
>> University press release here
Greenhalgh R, Holding ML, Orr TJ, Henderson JB, Parchman TL, Matocq MD, Shapiro MD, Dearing MD. (2021) Trio-binned genomes of the woodrats Neotoma bryanti and N. lepida reveal novel gene islands and rapid copy number evolution of xenobiotic metabolizing cytochrome p450 genes. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2021.03.08.434435. PDF
Weinstein SB, Malanga KN, Agwanda B, Maldonado JE, Dearing MD. (2020) The secret social lives of African crested rats, Lophiomys imhausi. Journal of Mammalogy, doi:10.1093/jmammal/gyaa127. Link
>> University press release here;
>> Media coverage: NPR here, NYT here
Orr TJ, Kitanovic S, Schramm KM, Skopec MM, Wilderman PR, Halpert JR, Dearing MD. (2020) Strategies in herbivory by mammals revisited: The role of liver metabolism in a juniper specialist (Neotoma stephensi) and a generalist (Neotoma albigula). Molecular Ecology 29: 1674–1689. doi: 10.1111/mec.15431. PDF
Martinez-Mota R, Kohl KD, Orr T, Dearing MD. (2020) Natural diets promote retention of the native gut microbiota in captive rodents. The ISME Journal 14. doi: 10.1038/s41396-019-0497-6. PDF
SR Stephens, TJ Orr, Dearing MD. (2019) Chiseling Away at the Dogma of Dietary Specialization in Dipodomys microps. Diversity 11(6): 92 PDF
Marón CF, Kohl KD, Chirife A, Martino M Di, Fons MA, Navarro MS, Beingesser J, McAloose D, Uzal FA, Dearing MD, Rowntree VJ, Uhart M. (2019) Symbiotic microbes and potential pathogens in the intestine of dead southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) calves. Anaerobe 57: 107–114. PDF
Miller AW, Orr T, Dearing MD, Monga M. (2019) Loss of function dysbiosis associated with antibiotics and high fat, high sugar diet. The ISME journal 13 (6): 1379-139. PDF
Forbey JS, Liu R, Caughlin TT, Matocq MD, Vucetich JA, Kohl KD, Dearing MD, Felton AM. (2018) Review: Using physiologically based models to predict population responses to phytochemicals by wild vertebrate herbivores. Animal. 12:s383–398. PDF
Miller AW, Orr TJ, Dearing MD, Monga M. (2018) PD03-05 Antibiotics and a high fat/high sugar diet reduce microbial oxalate metabolism in a mouse model. The Journal of Urology. 199:e72 PDF
Kohl KD, Oakeson KF, Orr TJ, Miller AW, Forbey JS, Phillips CD, Dale C, Weiss RB, Dearing MD. (2018) Metagenomic sequencing provides insights into the location of microbial detoxification in the gut of small mammalian herbivores (Neotoma spp.). FEMS Microbial Ecology 94. PDF
Kitanovic S, Orr TJ, Spalink D, Cocke GB, Schramm K, Wilderman PR, Halpert JR, Dearing MD. (2018) Role of cytochrome P450 2B sequence variation and gene copy number in facilitating dietary specialization in mammalian herbivores. Molecular Ecology. 27(3):723-736. doi: 10.1111/mec.14480. PDF
Kohl KD, Dearing MD, Bordenstein SR. (2018) Microbial communities exhibit host-species distinguishability and phylosymbiosis along the length of the gastrointestinal tract. Molecular Ecology 27:723–736. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.14460. PDF
Kitanovic S, Marks-Fife CA, Parkes QA, Wilderman PR, Halpert JR, Dearing MD. (2018) Cytochrome P450 2B diversity in a dietary specialist—the Red Tree Vole (Arborimus longicaudus). Journal of Mammalogy. PDF
Kohl KD, Oakeson KF, Dunn D, Meyerholz DK, Dale C, Weiss RB, Dearing MD. (2017) Patterns of host gene expression associated with harboring a foregut microbial community. BMC Genomics. 18:697. doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-4101-z. PDF
Ridenhour BJ, Brooker SL, Williams JE, Van Leuven JT, Miller AW, Dearing MD, Remien CH. (2017) Modeling time-series data from microbial communities. ISME Journal. 11:2526-2537. doi: 10.1101/071449. PDF
Miller AW, Dale C, Dearing MD. (2017) The induction of oxalate metabolism in vivo is more effective with functional microbial communities than with functional microbial species. mSystems. 2:e00088-17. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00088-17. PDF
Miller AW, Dale C, Dearing MD. (2017) Microbiota diversification and crash induced by dietary oxalate in the mammalian herbivore Neotoma albigula. mSphere. 2:e00428-17. doi: https://doi.org/10.1128/mSphere.00428-17. PDF
Kohl KD, Varner J, Wilkening JL, Dearing MD. (2017) Gut microbial communities of American pikas (Ochotona princeps): evidence for phylosymbiosis and adaptations to novel diets. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12692. PDF
Huo L, Liu J, Dearing MD, Szklarz D, Halpert JR, Wilderman PR. (2017) Rational re-engineering of the 0-dealkylation of 7-alkoxycoumarin derivatives by cytochromes P450 2B from the desert woodrat, Neotoma lepida. Biochemistry. 56:2238-2246. PDF
Connors PK, Malenke JR, Dearing MD. (2017) Ambient temperature-mediated changes in hepatic gene expression of a mammalian herbivore (Neotoma lepida). Molecular Ecology. 00: 1-17. doi: 10.1111/mec.14192. PDF
Kohl KD, Dearing MD. (2017) With a little help from my friends: Microbial partners in integrative and comparative biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology. https://doi.org/10.1093/icb/icx103 PDF
Dearing MD, Kohl KD. (2017) Beyond Fermentation: Other important services provided to endothermic herbivores by their gut microbiota. Integrative and Comparative Biology. doi: 10.1093/icb/icx020. PDF
Kohl KD, Dearing MD. (2017) Intestinal lymphatic transport: an overlooked pathway for understanding absorption of plant secondary compounds in vertebrate herbivores. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 43:290-94. doi: 10.1007/s10886-017-0828-x. First Online: 02 March 2017. PDF
Kohl KD, Connelly JW, Dearing MD, Forbey JS. (2016) Microbial detoxification in the gut of a specialist avian herbivore, the Greater Sage-Grouse. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 363 pii: fnw144. doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnw144. Epub 2016 May 29. PDF
Campbell M, Oakeson KF, Yandell M, Halpert JR, Dearing MD. (2016) The draft genome sequence and annotation of the desert woodrat Neotoma lepida. Genomics Data. 9:58-9. doi: 10.1016/j.gdata.2016.06.008. eCollection 2016. PDF
Oakeson KF, Miller A, Dale C, Dearing MD. (2016) Draft genome sequence of an oxalate-degrading strain of Clostridium sporogenes from the gastrointestinal tract of the white-throated woodrat (Neotoma albigula). Genome Announcements 4: e00392-16. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00392-16. PDF
Miller AW, Oakeson KF, Dale C, Dearing MD. (2016) Microbial community transplant results in increased and long-term oxalate degradation. Microbial Ecology. 72:470-478. PDF
Kohl KD, Sadowska ET, Rudolf AM, Dearing MD, Koteja P. (2016) Experimental evolution on a wild mammal species results in modification of gut microbial communities. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7:634. PDF
Kohl KD, Dearing MD. (2016) The woodrat gut microbiota as an experimental system for understanding microbial metabolism of dietary toxins. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7:1165. PDF
Varner J, Horns JJ, Lambert ML, Westberg E, Ruff JS, Wolfenberger K, Beever EA, Dearing MD. (2016) Plastic pikas: behavioral plasticity in low elevation pikas (Ochotona princeps). Behavioural Processes. PDF
Miller AW, Oakeson KF, Dale C, Dearing MD. (2016) The effect of dietary oxalate on the gut microbiota of the mammalian herbivore Neotoma albigula. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. PDF
Kohl, KD, Samuni-Blank M, Izhaki I, Gerchman Y, Lymberakis P, Kernath P, arad Z, Karasov WH, Dearing MD. (2016) Effects of fruit toxins on intestinal and microbial β-glucosidase activities of seed-predating and seed-dispersing rodents (Acomys spp.). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. PDF
Dizney L, Dearing MD. (2016) Behavioural differences: a link between biodiversity and pathogen transmission. Animal Behavior. 111:341-347. PDF
Shah MB, Liu J, Huo L, Zhang Q, Dearing MD, Wilderman PR, Szklarz GD, Stout CD, Hapert JR. (2016) Structure-function analysis of mammalian CYP2B Enzymes using 7-substituted coumarin derivatives and probes: Utility of crystal structures and molecular modeling in understanding xenobiotic metabolism. Molecular Pharmacology. PDF
Kurnath P, Merz ND, Dearing MD. (2016) Ambient temperature impacts tolerance to plant secondary compounds in a mammalian herbivore. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. (283) 20152387. PDF
Kohl KD, Stengel A, Dearing MD. (2015) Inoculation of tannin-degrading bacteria into novel hosts increases performance on tannin-rich diets. Environmental Microbiology. PDF
Varner J, Lambert MS, Horns JJ, Laverty S, Dizney L, Beever EA, Dearing MD. (2015) Too hot to trot? Evaluation the effects of wildfire on patterns of occupancy and abundance for a climate-sensitive habitat specialist. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 24:921-932. (cover story) PDF
Skopec MM, Kohl KD, Schramm K, Halpert JR, Dearing MD. (2015) Using the specialization framework to determine the degree of dietary specialization in a herbivorous woodrat. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 41:1059-168 PDF
Lessner KM, Dearing MD, Izhaki I, Samuni-Blank M, Arad Z, Karasov WH. (2015) Small intestinal hydrolysis of plant glucosides: higher glucohydrolase activities in rodents than passerine birds. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218:2666-2669. doi:10.1242/jeb.121970. PDF
Kohl KD, Cary TL, Karasov WH, Dearing MD. (2015) Larval exposure to polychlorinated biphenyl 126 (PCB-126) causes persistent alteration of the amphibian gut microbiota. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 34:1113-1118. PDF
Dearing MD, Clay C, Lehmer E, Dizney L. (2015) The roles of community diversity and contact rates on pathogen prevalence. Journal of Mammalogy. 96(1):29-36. PDF
Moore BD, Wiggins NL, Marsh KJ, Dearing MD, Foley WJ. (2015) Translating physiological signals to behavioural changes in feeding behaviour in mammals and the future effect of global climate change. Animal Production Science. 55: 272-283. PDF
Kohl KD, Marón CF, Chirife A, Di Martino M, Dearing MD, Rowntree, VJ. (2015) Intestinal lactase activity in southern right whale calves (Eubalaena australis). Marine Mammal Science. 31:398-403. PDF
Kohl KD, Luong K., Dearing MD. (2015) Validating the use of trap-collected feces for studying the gut microbiome of a small mammal (Neotoma lepida). Journal of Mammalogy. 96(1):90-93. PDF
Kohl KD, Miller AW, Dearing MD. (2015) Evolutionary irony: evidence that “defensive” plant spines act as a proximate cue to attract a mammalian herbivore. Oikos. PDF
Kohl KD, Pitman E, Robb BC, Connelly JW, Dearing MD, Forbey JS. (2015) Monoterpenes as inhibitors of digestive enzymes and counter-adaptations in a specialist avian herbivore. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 185:425-434. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00360-015-0890-z. PDF
Samuni-Blank M, Izhaki I, Gerchman Y, Dearing MD. (2014) Taste and Physiological Responses to Glucosinolates: Seed Predator versus Seed Disperser. PLoS One. 10:9(11)e112505 PDF
Kohl KD, Amaya J, Passement CA, Dearing MD, McCue, MD. (2014) Unique and shared responses of the gut microbiota to prolonged fasting: a comparative study across five classes of vertebrate hosts. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 90: 883-894. PDF
Kohl KD, Skopec, MM, Dearing MD. (2014) Captivity results in disparate loss of gut microbial diversity in closely related hosts. Conservation Physiology. 2:cou009. PDF
Malenke JR, Skopec MM, Dearing MD. (2014) Evidence for functional convergence in genes upregulated by herbivores ingesting plant secondary compounds. BMC Ecology. 14:23. PDF
Kohl KD, Weiss RB, Cox J, Dale C, Dearing MD. (2014) Gut microbes of mammalian herbivores facilitate intake of plant toxins. Ecology Letters. 17:1238-1246. PDF
Varner, J, Dearing MD. (2014) Dietary plasticity in pikas as a strategy for atypical resource landscapes. Journal of Mammalogy, 95(1):000-000,2014. PDF
Wilderman PR, Jang H, Malenke JR, Salib M, Angermeier E, Lamime S, Dearing MD, Halpert JR. (2014) Functional characterization of cytochromes P450 2B from the desert woodrat Neotoma lepida. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 1;274(3):393-401. DOI: 10.1016/j.taap.2013.12.005. Epub 2013 Dec. 19. PDF
Miller AW, Kohl KD, Dearing MD. (2014) The gastrointestinal tract of the white-throated woodrat (Neotoma albigula) harbors distinct consortia of oxalate-degrading bacteria. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 80:1595-1601. PDF
Kohl KD, Miller AW, Marvin JE, Mackie R, Dearing MD. (2014) Herbivorous rodents (Neotoma spp.) harbor an abundant and active foregut microbiota. Environmental Microbiology. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12376. PDF
Varner J, Dearing MD. (2014). The importance of biologically relevant microclimate data in species distribution models & habitat suitability assessments. PLoS ONE. 9(8): e104648. PDF
Adams RP, Skopec MM, Kohl KD, Dearing MD. (2014) Comparison of volatile leaf terpenoids from Juniperus monosperma and J. osteosperma leaves: intact, ground and exposed to ambient temperature. Phytologia 96:207-217. PDF
Kohl KD, Dearing MD. (2014) Wild-caught rodents retain a majority of their natural gut microbiota upon entrance into captivity. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 6:191-195. PDF
Miller AW, Dearing MD. (2013) The metabolic and ecological interactions of oxalate-degrading bacteria in the mammalian gut. Pathogens. 2:636-652. PDF
Dizney L, Dearing MD. (2013) The role of behavioural heterogeneity on infection patterns: implications for pathogen transmission. Animal Behaviour. 86:911-916. PDF
Skopec MM, Malenke J, Halpert JR, Dearing MD. (2013) An in vivo assay for elucidating the importance of cytochromes P450 for the ability of a wild mammalian herbivore (Neotoma lepida) to consume toxic plants. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 5:593-601. PDF
Kurnath P, Dearing MD. (2013) Warmer ambient temperatures depress liver function in a mammalian herbivore. Biology Letters. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2013.0562 PDF
Skopec MM, Hale AJ, Torregross A-M, Dearing MD. (2013) Biotransformational enzyme expression in the nasal epithelium of woodrats. Comparative Biochemisty and Physiology Part C. 157:72-79 PDF
Kohl, KD, Cary TL, Karasov WH, Dearing MD. (2013) Restructuring of the amphibian gut microbiota through metamorphosis. Environmental Microbiology Reports. DOI 10.1111/1758-2229,12092 PDF
Samuni-Blank M, Arad Z, Dearing MD, Gerchman Y, Karasov WH, Ishaki I. (2013) Friend or foe? Disparate plant-animal interactions of two congeneric rodents. Evolutionary Ecology. 27:1069-1080. PDF
Malenke JR, Milash B, Miller AW, Dearing MD. (2013) Transcriptome sequencing and microarray development for the woodrat (Neotoma spp.): custom genetic tools for exploring herbivore ecology. Molecular Ecology Resources. 13(4): 674-687. PDF
Kohl KD, Stengal A, Samuni-Blank M, Dearing MD. (2013) Effects of anatomy and diet on gastrointestinal pH in rodents. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 319:225-229. PDF
Forbey JS, Dearing MD, Gross EM, Orians CM, Sotka EE, Foley WJ. (2013) A pharm-ecological perspective of terrestrial and aquatic plant-herbivore interactions. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 39(4):465-80. PDF
Magnanou E, Malenke J, Dearing MD. (2013) Hepatic gene expression in herbivores on diets with natural and novel plant secondary compounds. Physiological Genomics. 45:774-785. DOI: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00033.2013. PDF
Samuni-Blank M, Ishaki I, Dearing MD, Karasov WH, Gerchman Y, Kohl KD, Lymberakis P, Kurnath P, Arad Z. (2013) Physiological and behavioural effects of fruit toxins on seed dipersing congeneric rodents. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 216:3667-3673. PDF
Dearing, MD. (2012) Temperature-dependent toxicity in mammals with implications for herbivores: a review. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 183:43-50. PDF
Kohl KD, Dearing, MD. (2012) Experience matters: prior exposure to plant toxins enhances diversity of gut microbes in herbivores. Ecology Letters. 15:108-115. PDF
Samuni-Blank M, Ishaki I, Dearing MD, Gerchman Y, Trabelcy B, Lotan A, Karasov WH, and Arad Z. (2012) Intraspecific directed deterrence by the mustard oil bomb in a desert plant. Current Biology. 22:1-3. PDF
Malenke JR, Magnanou E, Thomas K, and Dearing MD. (2012) Cytochrome P450 2B Diversity and dietary novelty in the herbivorous, Desert woodrat (Neotoma lepida). PLoS One, 7(8): e41510. PDF
Varner JD, and Dearing MD. (2012) Estimating duration of infection with avidity assays: Potential limitations and recommendations for improvement. Ecohealth. 8(4):521-8. PDF
Torregrossa A-M, Azzara AV, and Dearing MD. (2012) Testing the diet breadth trade-off hypothesis: differential regulations of novel plant secondary compounds by a specialist and generalist herbivore. Oecologia. 168:711-718. PDF
Kohl KD, and Dearing MD. (2011) Induced and constitutive responses of digestive enzymes to plant toxins in an herbivorous mammal. Journal of Expermental Biology. 214:4133-4140. PDF
Torregrossa A-M, Azzara AV, and Dearing MD. (2011) Differential regulation of plant secondary compounds by herbivorous rodents. Functional Ecology. 25:1232-1240. PDF
Skopec MM, Dearing MD. (2011) Differential expression and activity of catechol-O-methyl trasferase (COMT) in a generalist (Neotoma albigula) and juniper specialist (Neotoma stephensi) woodrat. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C 154:383-390. PDF
Kohl KD, Weiss RB, Dale C, and Dearing MD. (2011) Diversity and novelty of the gut microbial community of an herbivorous rodent (Neotoma bryanti). Symbiosis. 54:47-54. PDF
French SS, Dearing MD, and Demas GE. (2011) Leptin as a physiological mediator of energetic trade-offs in ecoimmunology: Implications for disease. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 51:505-513. PDF
Cao L, Cova TJ, Dennison PE, and Dearing MD. (2011) Using MODIS satellite imagery to predict hantavirus risk. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 20:620-629. PDF
Wood BA, Cao L, and Dearing MD. (2010) Deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) home-range size and fidelity in sage-steppe habitat. Western North American Naturalist. 70:345-354. PDF
Privitali MA, Lehmer EM, Pearce-Duvet JMC, Jones JD, Clay CA, Wood BA, Ely PW, Laverty SM, and Dearing MD. (2010) Roles of human disturbance, precipitation, and a pathogen on the survival and reproductive probabilities of deer mice. Ecology. 91:582-592. PDF
Lehmer EM, Jones JD, Bego MG, St. Jeor S, Varner J, Clay CA, and Dearing MD. (2010) Long-term patterns of immune investment by wild deer mice infected with Sin Nobre virus. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 83:847-57. PDF
Dearing MD, Dizney L. (2010) Ecology of hantavirus in a changing world. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1195:99-112. PDF
Clay CA, Lehmer EM, St. Jeor S, Dearing MD. (2009) Sin nombre virus and rodent species diversity: a test of the dilution and amplification hypotheses. PLoS One. 4: e6467. PDF
Clay CA, Lehmer EM, St. Jeor S, and Dearing MD. (2009) Testing mechanisms of the dilution effect: Deer mice encouter rates, Sin Nombre virus prevalence and species diversity. EcoHealth. 6:250-259. PDF
Dearing MD, Previtali MA, Jones JD, Ely PW, and Wood BA. (2009) Seasonal variation in Sin Nombre virus Infections in deer mice: Preliminary results. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 45:430-436. PDF
Magnanou E, Malenke JR, and Dearing MD. (2009) Expression of biotransformation genes in woodrat (Neotoma) herbivores on novel and ancestral diets: identification of candidate genes responsible for dietary shifts. Molecular Ecology. 18:2401-2414. PDF
>>Related Publication Here.
Torregrossa A-M and Dearing MD. (2009) Nutritional toxicology of mammals: regulated intake of plant secondary compounds. Functional Ecology. 23:48-56. PDF
Clay CA, Lehmer EM, Previtali A, St. Jeor S, and Dearing MD. (2009) ) Contact heterogeneity in deer mice: implications for Sin Nombre virus transmission. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 276:1305-1312. PDF
Torregrossa A-M, and Dearing MD. (2009) Caching as a behavioral mechanism to reduce toxin intake. Journal of Mammalogy, 90:803-810. PDF
Dearing MD, Sorensen JS, McLister JD, and Santos L. (2008) Ambient temperature influences diet selection and physiology of an herbivorous mammal, Neotoma albigula. Physiological Biochemistry and Physiology. 81:891-897. PDF
Bego MG, Baweic D, Dange D, Martino B, Dearing MD, Wilson E, and St. Jeor S. (2008) Development of an ELISA to detect Sin Nombre virus-specific IgM from deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). Journal of Virological Methods. 151:204-10. PDF
Haley SL, Lamb JG, Franklin MR, Constance JE, and Dearing MD. (2008) "Pharm-Ecology" of diet shifting: Biotransformation of plant secondary compounds in creosote (Larea tridentata) by a woodrat herbivore, Neotoma lepida. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 81:584-593. PDF
Lehmer EM, Clay CA, Pearce-Duvet J, St. Jeor S, and Dearing MD. (2008) Differential regulation of pathogens: the role of habitat disturbance in predicting prevalence of Sin Nombre virus. Oecologia. 155:429-439. PDF
Podlesak DW, Torregrossa A-M, Ehleringer JR, Dearing MD, Passey BH, and Cerling TE. (2008) Turnover of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in the body water, CO2, hair, and enamel of a small mammal. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 72:19-35. PDF
Skopec MM, Haley S, Torregrossa A-M, and Dearing MD. (2008) An oak (Quercus agrifolia) specialist (Neotoma macrotis) and a sympatric generalist (Neotoma lepida) show similar intakes and digestibilities of oak. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 81:426-433. PDF
Adler FR, Pearce-Duvet JMC, and Dearing MD. (2007) How host population dynamics translate into time-lagged prevalence: An investigation of Sin Nombre virus in deer mice. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 70:23-252. PDF
Cerling TE, Ayliffe LK, Dearing MD, Ehleringer JR, Passey BH, Podlesak DW, Torregrossa A-M, and West AG. (2007) Determining biological tissue turnover using stable isotopes: the reaction progress variable. Oecologia. 151:175-189. PDF
Haley SL, Lamb JG, Franklin MR, Constance JE, and Dearing MD. (2007) Xenobiotic metabolism of plant secondary compounds in juniper (Juniperus monosperma) by specialist and generalist woodrat herbivores, genus Neotoma. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology. 146:552-560. PDF
Haley SL, Lamb JG, Franklin MR, Constance JE, and Dearing MD. (2007) Xenobiotic metabolism of plant secondary compounds in Oak (Quercus agrifolia) by specialist and generalist woodrat herbivores, genus Neotoma. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 33:2111-2122. PDF
Leymer EM, Clay CA, Wilson E, St. Jeor SC, and Dearing MD. (2007) Differential resource allocation in deer mice exposed to Sin Nombre virus. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 80:514-521. PDF
Skopec MM, Haley S, Dearing MD. (2007) Differential hepatic gene expression of a dietary specialist (Neotoma stephensi) and generalist (Neotoma albigula) in response to juniper (Juniperus monosperma) ingestion. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part D: Genomics & Proteomics. 2:34-43. PDF
Dearing MD, Skopec MM, and Bastiani MJ. (2006) Detoxification rates of wild herbivorous woodrats (Neotoma). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: 145:419-422. PDF
Green AK, Haley SL, Barnes DM, Dearing MD, and Karasov WH. (2006) Is alpha-pinene a substrate for permeability-glycoprotein in wood rats? Journal of Chemical Ecology. 32:1197-1211. PDF
O'Grady SP, and Dearing MD. (2006) Isotopic insight into host-endosymbiont relationships in Liolaemid lizards. Oecologia. 150:355:361. PDF
Pearce-Duvet JM, St. Jeor SC, Boone JD, and Dearing MD. (2006) Changes in Sin Nombre virus antibody prevalence in deer mice across seasons: the interaction between habitat, sex, and infection in deer mice. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 42:819-24. PDF
Robinson TF, Sponheimer M, Roeder BL, Passey B, Cerling TE, Dearing MD, and Ehleringer JR. (2006) Digestibility and nitrogen retention in llamas and goats fed alfalfa, C-3grass, and C-4 grass hays. Small Ruminant Research. 64:162-168. PDF
Sorensen JS and Dearing MD. (2006) Efflux transporters as a novel herbivore countermechanism to plant chemical defenses. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 32:1181-1196. PDF
Sorensen JS, Skopec MM, and Dearing MD. (2006) Application of pharmacological approaches to plant-mammal interactions. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 32:1181-1196. PDF
Sponheimer M, Robinson TF, Cerling TE, Tegland L, Roeder BL, Ayliffe L, Dearing MD, and Ehlering JR. (2006) Turnover of stable carbon isotopes in the muscle, liver, and breath CO2 of alpacas (Lama pacos). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 20:1395-1399. PDF
Dearing, MD, Foley WJ, and McLean S. (2005) Influence of plant secondary metabolites on the nutritional ecology of herbivorous terrestrial vertebrates. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics. 36:169-189. PDF
Dearing MD, McLister JD, and Sorensen JS. (2005) Woodrat (Neotoma) herbivores maintain nitrogen balance on a low-nitrogen, high-phenolic forage, Juniperus monosperma. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology. 175:349-355.43. PDF
O'Grady SP, Morando M, Avila L, and Dearing MD. (2005) Correlating diet and digestive tract specialization: Examples from the lizard family Liolaemidae. Zoology. 108:201-210. PDF
Passey BH, Robinson TF, Ayliffe LK, Cerling TE, Sponheimer M, Dearing MD, Roeder BL, and Ehleringer JR. (2005) Carbon isotope fractionation between diet, breath CO2, and bioapatite in different mammals. Journal of Archaeological Science. 32:1459-1470. PDF
Sorensen JS, Heward E, and Dearing MD. (2005) Plant secondary metabolites alter the feeding patterns of a mammalian herbivore (Neotoma lepida). Oecologia. 146:415-422. PDF
Sorensen JS, McLister JD and Dearing MD. (2005) Novel plant secondary metabolites impact dietary specialists more than generalists (Neotoma spp.). Ecology. 86:140-154. PDF
Sorensen JS, McLister JD and Dearing MD. (2005) Plant secondary metabolites compromise the energy budgets of specialist and generalist mammalian herbivores. Ecology. 86:125-139. PDF
Ward JK, Harris JM, Cerling TE, Weidenhoeft A, Lott MJ, Dearing MD, Coltrain JB, and Ehleringer JR. (2005) Carbon starvation in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits, southern California. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 102:690-694. PDF
Sorensen JS, Dearing MD. (2004) Physiological limitations of dietary specialization in herbivorous woodrats (Neotoma spp.) International Congress Series. 1275:313-320. PDF
Ayliffe LK, Cerling TE, Robinson T, West AG, Sponheimer M, Passey BH, Hammer J, Roeder B, Dearing MD, and Ehleringer JR. (2004) Turnover of carbon isotopes in tail hair and breath CO2 of horses fed an isotopically varied diet. Oecologia. 139:11-22. PDF
Baugh, AT, West AG, Rickart EA, Cerling TE, Ehleringer JR, and Dearing MD. (2004) Stable isotope ratios (delta(15)n and delta(13)c) of syntopic shrews (Sorex). Southwestern Naturalist. 49:493-500. PDF
Coltrain JB, Harris JM, Cerling TE, Ehleringer JR, Dearing MD, Ward J, and Allen J. (2004) Rancho La Brea stable isotope biogeochemistry and its implications for the palaeoecology of late Pleistocene, coastal southern California. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 205:199-219. PDF
Green AK, Haley SL, Dearing MD, Barnes DM and Karasov WH. (2004) Intestinal capacity of P-glycoprotein is higher in the juniper specialist, Neotoma stephensi, than the sympatric generalist, Neotoma albigula. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 193:325-333. PDF
Lamb JG, Marick P, Sorensen J, Haley S, and Daring MD. (2004) Liver biotransforming enzymes in woodrats Neotoma stephensi (Muridae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology. 138:195-201. PDF
Mangione AM, Dearing MD, and Karasov WH. (2004) Creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) resin increases water demands and reduces energy availability in desert woodrats (Neotoma lepida). Journal of Chemical Ecology. 30:1409-29. PDF
McLister JD, Sorensen JS, and Dearing MD. (2004) Effects of consumption of juniper (Juniperus monosperma) on cost of thermoregulation in the woodrats Neotoma albigula and Neotoma stephensi at different acclimation temperatures. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 77:305-12. PDF
Sorensen JS, Turnbull CA, and Dearing MD. (2004) A specialist herbivore (Neotoma stephensi) absorbs fewer plant toxins than does a generalist (Neotoma albigula). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 77:139-48. 29. PDF
West AG, Ayliffe LK, Cerling TE, Robinson TF, Karren B, Dearing MD, and Ehleringer JR. (2004) Short-term diet changes revealed using stable carbon isotopes in horse tail-hair. Functional Ecology. 18:616-624. PDF
Sponheimer M, Robinson TF, Roeder BL, Passey BH, Ayliffe LK, Cerling TE, Dearing MD, Ehleringer JR. (2003) An experimental study of nitrogen flux in llamas: is 14N preferentially excreted? Journal of Archaeological Science. 30:1649-1655. PDF
Boyle R and Dearing MD. (2003) Ingestion of juniper foliage reduces metabolic rates in woodrat (Neotoma) herbivores. Zoology. 106:151-8. PDF
Sorensen JS, and Dearing MD. (2003) Elimination of plant toxins by herbivorous woodrats: revisiting an explanation for dietary specialization in mammalian herbivores. Oecologia. 134:88-94. PDF
Sponheimer M, Robinson T, Ayliffe L, Passey B, Roeder B, Shipley L, Lopez E, Cerling T, Dearing MD, and Ehlering JR. (2003) An experimental study of carbon-isotope fractionation between diet, hair, and feces of mammalian herbivores. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie. 81:871.876. PDF
Sponheimer M, Robinson T, Ayliffe L, Roeder B, Hammer J, West A, Passey B, Cerling TE, Dearing MD, and Ehleringer JR. (2003) Nitrogen isotopes in mammalian herbivores: hair 15N values from a controlled-feeding study. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 13:80-87. PDF
Sponheimer M, Robinson T, Roeder B, Hammer J, Ayliffe L, Passey B, Cerling T, Dearing MD, and Ehleringer JR. (2003) Digestion and passage rates of grass hays by llamas, alpacas, goats, rabbits, and horses. Small Ruminant Research. 48:149-154. PDF
Dearing MD, Appel HM, and Schultz JC. (2002) Why do cranberries reduce incidence of urinary tract infections? Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 80:211-211. PDF
Dearing MD, Mangione AM, and Karasov WH. (2002) Ingestion of plant secondary compounds causes diuresis in desert herbivores. Oecologia (Berlin). 130:576-584. PDF
Ehleringer JR, Cerling TE, and Dearing MD. (2002) Atmospheric CO2 as a global change driver influencing plant-animal interactions. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 42:424-430. PDF
Dearing MD, Mangione AM, and Karasov WH. (2001) Plant secondary compounds as diuretics: An overlooked consequence. American Zoologist. 41:890-901. PDF
Lamb JG, Sorensen JS, and Dearing MD. (2001) Comparison of detoxification enzyme mRNAs in woodrats (Neotoma lepida) and laboratory rats. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 27:845-57. PDF
Mackelprang R, Dearing MD, and St. Jeor SC. (2001) High prevalences of Sin Nombre virus in rodent populations, central Utah: a consequence of human dissturbance? Emergency Infectious Disease. 7:480-2. PDF
Mangione AM, Dearing MD, and Karasov W. (2001) Detoxification in relation to toxin tolerance in desert woodrats eating creosote bush. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 27:2559-78. PDF
Dearing MD, Mangione AM, and Karasov WH. (2000) Diet breadth of mammalian herbivores: nutrient versus detoxification constraints. Oecologia. 123:397-405. PDF
Mangione AM, Dearing MD, and Karasov WH. (2000) Interpopulation differences in tolerance to creosote bush resin in desert woodrats (Neotoma lepida). Ecology. 81:2067-2076. PDF
Dearing MD and Cork S. (1999) Role of detoxification of plant secondary compounds on diet breadth in a mammalian herbivore, Trichosurus vulpecula. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 25:1205-1219. PDF
Dearing MD, Mangione AM, Karasov WH, Morzunov S, Otteson E, and St. Jeor SC. (1998) Prevalence of hantavirus in four species of Neotoma from Arizona and Utah. Journal of Mammalogy. 79:1254-1259. PDF
Dearing MD. (1997) Effects of Acomastylis rossii tannins on a mammalian herbivore, the North American pika, Ochotona princeps. Oecologia. 109:122-131. PDF
Dearing MD. (1997) The function of haypiles of pikas (Ochotona princeps). Journal of Mammalogy. 78:1156-1163. PDF
Dearing MD. (1997) The manipulation of plant toxins by a food-hoarding herbivore, Ochotona princeps. Ecology. 78:774-781. PDF
Dearing MD. (1996) Disparate determinants of summer and winter diet selection of a generalist herbivore, Ochotona princeps. Oecologia (Berlin). 108:467-178. PDF
Torti SD, Dearing MD, and Kursar TA. (1995) Extraction of phenolic compounds from fresh leaves: A comparison of methods. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 21:117-125. PDF
Dearing MD and Schall JJ. (1994) Atypical reproduction and sexual dismorphism of the tropical Bonaire Island whiptail lizard, Cnemidophorus murinus. Copeia. 1994:760-766. PDF
Mueller UG and Dearing MD. (1994) Predation and avoidance of touch leaves by aquatic larvae of the moth Parapouynx rugosalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Ecological Entomology. 19:155-158. PDF
Schall JJ and Dearing MD. (1994) Body temperature of the herbivorous Bonaire Island whiptail lizard (Cnemidophorus murinus). Journal of Herpetology. 27:111-114. PDF
Dearing MD. (1993) An alimentary specialization for herbivory in the tropical whiptail lizard Cnemidophorus murinus. Journal of Herpetology. 27:111-114. PDF
Dearing MD, and Schall, JJ. (1992) Testing models of optimal diet assembly by the generalist herbivorous lizard Cnemidophorus murinus. Ecology. 73:845-858. PDF
Schall JJ and Dearing MD. (1987) Malarial parasitism and male competitition for mates in the western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis. Oecologia (Berlin). 73:389-3920. PDF