Lab members present work at ESA2020

The Ecological Society of America met virtually for the 2020 meeting from August 3–6, 2020 and Sara, Tess, Dylan, and Maggie all presented their work as posters. Click the link with each of their names to see each Dearing Lab member’s poster and/or watch them talk you through a presentation of their poster. This year’s topic was “Harnessing the Ecological Data Revolution,” and all presenters were sharing their recent research focused on analyzing amplicon sequence data looking at the diets and/or gut microbial communities of woodrats (Neotoma spp.). There was a lot of exciting ecological research being presented at the conference, and a lot of inspiring microbiome talks. Thanks to all other participants for sharing your research and taking a look at ours!

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November trip to Morongo Valley, CA


Distanced lab hike to Albion Basin