Tess successfully defended her thesis!!!
Tess rounds out an excellent 6-year PhD career with a successful thesis defense. In her thesis titled “Investigating the Effect of Dietary Toxins on the Gut Microbiome,” Tess carried out several experiments of her own, attended lots of lab field trips to various woodrat trapping sites, and supported her fellow lab members. She will be missed!
Updated September 2022: Tess has a job! She will head off to ARUP to as a Scientist I in R&D Genomics MPS after taking off a couple of well-deserved weeks of vacation. She has used her summer wisely to finish up manuscripts, and her whole thesis will soon be published. Congratulations, Tess!!!
Ready to give that defense talk after some nice words from Denise.
The post-defense champagne pop. Those corks are really in there!!
The ceremonial hanging of the champagne cork. Chris and Maddie as supporters and safety squad.